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Introduction to git: Branching and merging. Part 1.


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How can I or my team work on multiple features in parallel?
  • How to combine the changes of parallel tracks of work?
  • How can I permanently reference a point in history, like a software version?
  • Be able to create and merge branches.
  • Know the difference between a branch and a tag.

Motivation for branches

In the previous section we tracked a guacamole recipe with Git.

Up until now our repository had only one branch with one commit coming after the other:


  • Commits are depicted here as little boxes with abbreviated hashes.
  • Here the branch master points to a commit.
  • “HEAD” is the current position
  • When we talk about branches, we often mean all parent commits, not only the commit pointed to.

Now we want to do this:


Our work is often not linear. For instance when developing software:

  • We typically need at least one version of the code to “work” (to compile, to give expected results, …).
  • At the same time we work on new features, often several features concurrently. Often they are unfinished.
  • We need to be able to separate different lines of work really well.

The strength of version control is that it permits the researcher to isolate different tracks of work, which can later be merged to create a composite version that contains all changes:

Git collaborative

  • We see branching points and merging points.
  • Main line development is often called master.
  • Other than this convention there is nothing special about master, it is just a branch.
  • Commits form a directed acyclic graph (we have left out the arrows to avoid confusion about the time arrow).

A group of commits that create a single narrative are called a branch. There are different branching strategies, but it is useful to think that a branch tells the story of a feature, e.g. “fast sequence extraction” or “Python interface” or “fixing bug in matrix inversion algorithm”.

A useful alias

We will now define an alias in Git, to be able to nicely visualize branch structure in the terminal without having to remember a long Git command

$ git config --global alias.graph "log --all --graph --decorate --oneline"

Let us inspect the project history using the git graph alias:

$ git graph

* 901f422 (HEAD -> master) enjoy your dish!
* 7adfe4b add half an onion
* 49baa1f adding ingredients and instructions
  • We have three commits and only one development line (branch) and this branch is called master.
  • Commits are states characterized by a 40-character hash (checksum).
  • git graph print abbreviations of these checksums.
  • Branches are pointers that point to a commit.
  • Branch master points to commit 901f4226d0700e89aaf45265fd6dac9368dad974.
  • HEAD is another pointer, it points to where we are right now (currently master)

On which branch are we?

To see where we are (where HEAD points to) use git branch:

$ git branch

* master
  • This command shows where we are, it does not create a branch.
  • There is only master and we are on master (star represents the HEAD).

In the following we will learn how to create branches, how to switch between them, how to merge branches, and how to remove them afterwards.

Creating and working with branches

Let’s create a branch called experiment where we add cilantro to ingredients.txt.

$ git branch experiment    # create branch called "experiment" pointing to the present commit
$ git checkout experiment  # switch to branch "experiment"
$ git branch               # list all local branches and show on which branch we are

Useful tip: there is a shortcut for git branch <name> + git checkout <name>:

$ git checkout -b <name>   # create branch <name> and switch to it
  • Verify that you are on the experiment branch (note that git graph also makes it clear what branch you are on: HEAD -> branchname):
$ git branch

* experiment
  • Then add 2 tbsp cilantro on top of the ingredients.txt:
* 2 tbsp cilantro
* 2 avocados
* 1 lime
* 2 tsp salt
* 1/2 onion
  • Stage this and commit it with the message “let us try with some cilantro”.
  • Then reduce the amount of cilantro to 1 tbsp, stage and commit again with “maybe little bit less cilantro”.

We have created two new commits:

$ git graph

* 6feb49d (HEAD -> experiment) maybe little bit less cilantro
* 7cf6d8c let us try with some cilantro
* dd4472c (master) we should not forget to enjoy
* 2bb9bb4 add half an onion
* 2d79e7e adding ingredients and instructions
  • The branch experiment is two commits ahead of master.
  • We commit our changes to this branch.

Exercise: branches

  • Change to the branch master.
  • Create another branch called less-salt where you reduce the amount of salt.
  • Commit your changes to the less-salt branch.
  • Go back to experiment branch

Use the same commands as we used above.

We now have three branches (in this case HEAD points to experiment):

$ git branch

* experiment

$ git graph

* 721d9c6 (less-salt) reduce amount of salt
| * a85267e (HEAD -> experiment) maybe little bit less cilantro
| * c79bfc1 let us try with some cilantro
* 901f422 (master) enjoy your dish!
* 7adfe4b add half an onion
* 49baa1f adding ingredients and instructions

Here is a graphical representation of what we have created:

  • Now switch to master.
  • Add and commit the following to master:
# Guacamole recipe

Used in teaching Git.

Now you should have this situation:

$ git graph

* 372c868 (HEAD -> master) draft a file
| * 721d9c6 (less-salt) reduce amount of salt
| * a85267e (experiment) maybe little bit less cilantro
| * c79bfc1 let us try with some cilantro
* 901f422 enjoy your dish!
* 7adfe4b add half an onion
* 49baa1f adding ingredients and instructions

And for comparison this is how it looks on GitHub.

Before we continue with merging branches

If you got stuck in the above exercises:

  • Skip this unless you got stuck.
  • Step out of the current directory: $ cd ..
  • Then:
    $ git clone recipe-branching
    $ cd recipe-branching
    $ git checkout experiment
    $ git checkout less-salt
    $ git checkout master
    $ git graph
  • Or call a helper to un-stuck it for you.

Key Points